Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today, for it may interfere with the opportunities of tomorrow. (My grandpa expounded on Thomas Jefferson )

Yesterday was one of those days that nothing got done during daylight. I know I did things, because when my kids went to bed, they had all eaten three meals, changed their clothes several times, and had various art projects displayed on every surface. But my home looked like a tornado came for a week long stay. Mondays are supposed to be laundry day. But here it was, Tuesday, and the mound of clean clothes was beginning to eat my bedroom floor.

I love a clean house, but I hate cleaning all the time. Ok, so maybe hate is a strong word. It's just that I don't want all of my spare time being devoted to the upkeep of my home. Actually, I even enjoy cleaning if it is more of a choice and less of a chore.

Thus, the quote. When I need motivation, the quote at the top of this entry is my mantra. My grandfather was a wise man. He accomplished a lot in his lifetime, and he died with a heritage left behind. This quote has kept my attitude in check many a long, dirty day in my home.

Another motivating thought is something my grandmother once said to me. We were washing dishes when I was twelve years old. I said something about how frustrating it was that dishes had to be done all the time and never stay done. She replied, "If you have a sink full of dirty dishes to wash, you can be grateful because it means you had food to eat."

So last night, after my three little piggies were all in bed, I rolled up my sleeves. I had a sink full of gratefulness, and then I conquered the pile of laundry that is no longer hindering my opportunities of today!  And what have been my opportunities of today? Attending the grand opening of a brand new Walmart and another batch of kids crafts to mess up my clean house!


Chris and Emily said...

i need that - the whole grateful to food to eat _ i have always been frustrated by the whole dishes all the time thing too!!

Amy said...

I think I have a "sink full of gratefulness" awaiting me right now! And a laundry room full of it, too! I volunteered in the office yesterday -- which means my desired 'tidiness' is sacrificed! Thanks for this post!