Tuesday, October 14, 2008

De-cluttering Part 1

Part of having a simpliful life, is removing all the clutter. Clutter keeps you harried. Who has time to seize a day when you’re so busy cramming stuff into it? Besides, it’s too heavy to seize with all that junk in it!
After reading around twenty books on de-cluttering and organizing, I have some tips for you.

Steps for Easier De-cluttering

  1. Read Clutter’s Last Stand by Don Aslett (as low as .37 cents at Amazon).

  2. Start with a non-emotional area or room (for example: bathroom.)

  3. You will need trash bags, a laundry basket (for misplaced items,) paper towels, all purpose cleaner, a vacuum, bags or boxes labeled “charity,”garage sale,” and “give away” (for friends and family.)

  4. Clear a place to start and vacuum.

  5. Go through one isolated area at a time: not everything at once.

  6. Give yourself a time limit.

  7. Get rid of the items you are letting go of immediately. Get them out of your space so your clutter is not just migrating.

  8. Reward yourself with something relaxing to celebrate your success and enjoy your new found freedom from stuff.

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