Wednesday, October 22, 2008

“Less is more” Robert Browning

I love Fall! I love the less of it all. The trees letting go of their leaves, the air losing it's heat, and and my schedule becoming less intense as school is well underway. For the first time in months, life has a rhythm that lends itself to the occasional nap or spontaneous picnic.

It's the perfect time of year for getting to those unfinished projects around the house. Amongst those projects, my children take on the task of purging the clutter in their rooms. We do this before summer birthdays as well, but now is the time to think of gifting other children with their bounty. Instead of focusing on "what I want," we will focus on "what I can give."

So, how do I go about heading up a monumental task such as this? Well, I'm glad you asked. Here are some tips:

  1. Prepare your kids by talking to them about less fortunate children that would be grateful for their generosity.
  2. Take the children to the shelter or mission or drop off point to show them where their gifts will go.
  3. Live by example, showing them how adults can give to others in need with clothing, food, and finances.
  4. When you start, give them each a plastic or paper bag from the grocery store. Ask them to put 10 things in the bag they would like to give to other children.
  5. Sit with each child as they take a turn "shopping" from what they have to gift others.
  6. If there is an item that is an heirloom or intended to hand-down to a sibling, put that to the side and say, "I'm glad you are ready to pass that on, can we give it to _____?" or "May I keep this, it's really special to me."
  7. Now is not the time to argue about how much something is worth. Whether it's value is penny or a fortune, remember you don't want to discourage them. Children do not have the same value system when it comes to worth. Keep a maybe pile if an item is hard for you to see go. You may be surprised at your heart change if you are given time to think about how much you could bless another family.
  8. Our one rule for our children is: Do not get rid of anything you want to keep. You don't want your child to feel that you have forced them to lose something they treasure. It should be their choice to let go.
  9. Take the children with you when you donate their gifts.


Keever Kids said...

Great tips! I would love to see pictures of your kids in there! :)

Mary Beth Spann said...

I love your blog! All of your tips are so helpful regarding decluttering, etc, and I'm definitely going to use your ideas like the ones on this post when Charley, et al, get older!! More please!

Chris and Emily said...

Love your blog - didn't know you started one.. funny I ran across it today because I have been doing a major clean out, donate, rampade in my house this week... so far our closet, my dresser, kid's toys, and under the bathroom sink.... feels good.
also -have some Hodgkins Mill buckwheat flour - gluten free - do you want it? It's open -We made some pancakes with it last weekend and then I noticed it was gluten free so you might get better use out of it.. been meaning to call you.

Oreste said...

Hello Julia, a kiss from Rome. Ciao