Wednesday, October 15, 2008

De-cluttering Part 2

While sorting, ask yourself the following questions:
  1. If there was a fire, what handfuls of items would I grab to save in this room?

  2. When I die, what would I hate for someone else to have to discard for me simply because I “never got around to it?” Why should I burden them with that responsibility if I didn’t even make it a priority?

  3. Do I have duplicate items? Which one is of better use/ more beautiful?

  4. Does it require more maintenance than I am willing to give?

  5. What does this item portray to those that see it in this space?

  6. Is this item outdated? Worn-out? Broken? Need to be replaced?

  7. Am I holding on to the past by holding on to this item? (Is living in the past where I should be?)

  8. Do I have several items to represent the same memory/ feeling/ relationship? Can I choose 1 or 2 of the most important pieces?

  9. Is my collection one that I have gathered anything related to, simply because of theme? Can I honor it more by whittling it down to fewer, more meaningful pieces to properly display?

  10. My space is valuable. Is this item worth my storage/ square footage cost?

REMEMBER: Just because an item has a use doesn’t mean it is most valuable in your hands.

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